Currency trading is a great way to make money fast and here we are going to give you 3 tips (that go against a lot of common currency advice) but don’t let that put you off 95% of currency traders lose and don’t make money fast.
Here are your 3 tips for making money fast in currency trading:
1. Don’t Diversify
I read a lot about how diversification spreads your risk and it does, but it also cuts your profit potential.
If you are trading currencies and you are a small trader (under $50,000) diversification will simply ensure that you dilute your profit potentia,or worse help you lose.
When you see a trade that looks good (in line with your trading methodology) hit it hard and risk as much as you can.
You will hear a lot of advice saying you should risk 2 – 5% well you won’t make money that way! risking 5% on a $10,000 account is $500.00 and that wont get you much in the way of open positions.
Risk up to 10% and have the courage of your conviction.
Many currency traders try so hard to restrict risk, they never make any decent profits, as they place their stops to close.
This means they are bumped out of good trends even though they have the direction right, by normal volatility.
This is an error most novice traders make - they need to study standard deviation, but most don’t even know what it means and they should - look it up and understand it fully if you want to trade successfully.
Don’t make this mistake.
If you think the above sounds risky it is – but currency trading involves taking calculated risks.
If you don’t like risk then don’t trade currencies.
2. Be Patient
If you are risking more per trade and not diversifying, then you need to be very selective in the trades you take.
Patience is the key.
Many FOREX traders think the more they trade the greater their chances of success, but the opposite is true.
You don’t get rewarded for how often you trade - you get rewarded for getting your trades right.
3. Trade In Relation To What’s In The Bank
Judge progress by what’s in the bank.
If you have had a good run you can afford to be a bit more aggressive (if conditions are right) and risk a bit more.
Generally, try not to have too many open positions, once you hit target bank and move on, this keeps you focused and is good for confidence.
Personally, I like to have only one or two trades open at any time
I will then shift position size and risk depending on how well I am doing.
It’s always easier to risk profits you have made than your own cash.
So there you have 3 tips to make money fast in currency trading.
Many currency traders will see the above is risky, but that’s the nature of currency trading:
Taking calculated risks when the conditions are right and waiting patiently for them.
Its logical and can and does make money fast.
By: sacha Tarkovsky
Check Out the Related Article : How To Find A Good Online Trading Company
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Currency Trading – Make Money Fast With These 3 Tips

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 1:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Currency Trading Online
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Basic Training for Basic Trading
Online trading is the easy way to buy and sell shares from the comfort of your home. Finding a company that provides you with an online trading account can be difficult. There are many companies that will offer you excellent services for online trading, but you will want to find one that meets your needs and requirements.
Companies like BBandT offer online trading. Waterhouse also offers online stock trading for their customers. But you shouldn't go with a company just based on their reputation; instead you should see what they can offer you because your needs as a trader will be radically different from someone traders who have different levels of experience and who have different proclivities toward risk and security.
Online trading is no different than offline trading; it requires the same amount of risk plus the same amount of skill. You will need to be well-disciplined and goal orientated, as these are the main skills that separate winners and losers in the trading world. Trading-- especially online trading--requires you to put limits on what you spend and your number of transactions. Also, research is vital if you want to uncover important tips to greatly improve the quality of your online trading portfolio-and also to avoid getting bogged by purchasing shares from companies in the midst of a lawsuit or poor management.
So if you are looking to do online trading, research some companies and see what they can offer you.
Online trading can be a good way to make a lot of money or to bring a small residual income to supplement your regular income. Of course, you will need money to get started; and even after you get started, it will still be a dangerous game loaded with risks.
There are risks attached to online trading and you have to research these and see if you are prepared should the worst happen. If you are determined and goal-orientated, then you will need little else to succeed at online trading. If you trade emotionally and fail to be patient and analytical, you are almost guaranteed to fail, even if you get lucky a couple of times.
By: lar
Do you want to know about the advantage of Forex online trading, if yes, so you can check my other article on "Advantages of Forex trading"
Check Out the Related Article : How To Find A Good Online Trading Company

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: Online Trading Lesson
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Advantages of Forex trading
The only market that is world’s largest and most liquid is forex trading market. This is also recognized as one and only absolute home busiess. But this would confusing for a layman that is new to the market. Many questions that arises – Why do people go for online trading and how do they buck up their bank account? Every day more number of investors and traders are moving in to forex trading market because of several advantages available in the market. It is just that there are few things you need to know and learn appropriately. Most traders keep their trading simple. Just little bit of market information and research helps them. But when looking high and high achievement, you need to work hard and smart. Following are advantage of forex trading.
• The margin requirement to trade in forex is just 5% of total value of holding. So you can keep your margin as low as possible to trade risk free. You get the ability to manage large amount with lower margin.
• Forex trading market is commission fee. If you act as an individual trader then you do not pay any commission fee. However, if you trade with forex broker he might charge you a low value share from the trade.
• Bid and ask rates are very flexible. Most of the online forex trading brokers provide a spread of 4 pips on USD/EUR as it is the most traded currency pair. It may fluctuate between 4 to 9 pips.
• Considered the largest and most flexible market in the world.
• Trade execution is almost instant, enabling traders and investors to respond to rising or falling situations or trends rapidly.
• This market is usually known as a free market even though the dealings of major dealers, such as commercial banks in money centers, are controlled under certain banking laws.
• It is a 24 hour seamless market and can trade any time except the weekends. So it becomes comfortable for all types of trader and investors to deal with forex trading.
• The standard forex trading volume is huge, and inclinations could be simple to spot.
• No various exchange listings to the same currency and no average size to trade.
• Forex trading brokers provide very limiting short selling margin needs to trader and investors. That simply means a customer do not have the liquidity to be capable to sell stock before he buys.
• Forex trading is done “OTC” (Over the Counter). So there is no clearing house or central exchange to match the orders. Deal takes place on the reputation basis of the participants.
• Widen options available of small traders as well. Lately forex trading is becoming increasingly popular among small brokers and traders.
By: Chris David
Check Out the Related Article : How To Find A Good Online Trading Company

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Forex Advantages
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
About Online Trading from Home and Brokers
The invention of the Internet has brought about many changes in the way that we conduct our lives and our personal business. We can pay our bills online, shop online, bank online, and even date online!
We can even buy and sell stocks online. Traders love having the ability to look at their accounts whenever they want to, and brokers like having the ability to take orders over the Internet, as opposed to the telephone.
Most brokers and brokerage houses now offer online trading to their clients. Another great thing about trading online is that fees and commissions are often lower. While online trading is great, there are some drawbacks.
If you are new to investing, having the ability to actually speak with a broker can be quite beneficial. Brokers work for brokerage houses and have the ability to buy and sell stock on the stock exchange. You may wonder if you really need a broker. The answer is yes, if you intend to buy or sell stocks on the stock exchange.
Stock brokers are required to pass two different tests in order to obtain their license. These tests are very difficult, and most brokers have a background in business or finance, with a Bachelors or Masters Degree.
It is very important to understand the difference between a broker and a stock market analyst. An analyst literally analyzes the stock market, and predicts what it will or will not do, or how specific stocks will perform. A stock broker is only there to follow your instructions to either buy or sell stock, not to analyze stocks.
In most cases, brokers earn their money from commissions on sales. When you instruct your broker to buy or sell a stock, they earn a set percentage of the transaction. Many brokers charge a flat per transaction fee.
There are two types of brokers: Full service brokers and discount brokers. A full service broker can usually offer more types of investments, may provide you with investment advice, and is usually paid in commissions.
Discount brokers typically do not offer any advice and do no research - they just do as you ask them to do, without all of the bells and whistles.
Many people who trade purely over the internet will often use the services of a discount broker.
If you aren’t stock market savvy, online trading may be a dangerous thing for you. If this is the case, make sure that you learn as much as you can about trading stocks before you start trading online.
You should also be aware that you don’t have a computer with Internet access attached to you. You won’t always have the ability to get online to make a trade. You need to be sure that you can call and speak with a broker if this is the case, using the online broker. This is true whether you are an advanced trader or a beginner.
It is also a good idea to go with an online brokerage company that has been around for a while. You won’t find one that has been in business for fifty years of course, but you can find a company that has been in business that long and now offers online trading.
Again, online trading can be exciting and profitable - but it isn’t for everyone. Think carefully before you decide to do your trading online, and make sure that you really know what you are doing!
By: Brian McGregor
Check Out the Related Article : Online Forex Trading

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Online Trading Info
Monday, December 15, 2008
You Can't Compare Any Online Day Trading Tips With These
5 Online Trading Tips You Must Obey
1. Do not go against the 200 day moving average. The only move to make when a stock is below the 200 day M.A. is shorting. The statistics do not lie. In fact, research over the past ten years shows significant difference in trading long above the 200 day MA verses not doing so. This indicator is a favorite of portfolio managers, analysts, investors and traders. This is "Compare Online Day Trading Tips" number one.
2. Buy at support and sell at resistance. The reason is similar to the aforementioned 200 day MA.. Everyone is seeing the same thing and mass buying sees very good results and mass selling the opposite. This is "Compare Online Day Trading Tips" number two.
3. Buy at new lows and sell the highs. When markets drop, shorts finally turn a profit and get ready to cover. Warren Buffet's advice also holds for the short term. "Buy when others are selling and sell when others are buying." This is "Compare Online Day Trading Tips" number three.
4. Buy stocks at their high after 1:00 pm EST. These stocks tend to continue going higher until the close. Often it is a good idea to take these stocks home and close out the next morning. This is especially true if volume is confirming the move. This is "Compare Online Day Trading Tips" number four.
5. If you do not have a reason to get in the market stay out. It is ok to stay on the sidelines if you do not have a good reason for getting in. Violate this rule and you will often live to regret it. This is "Compare Online Day Trading Tips" number five.
By Charles Kobrali
Check Out the Related Article : Online Forex Trading

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 11:03 PM 1 comments
Labels: Online Trading Tips
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What is the Latest on Online Forex Commodity Trading?
Online Forex commodity trading is the hottest thing on the internet. This is one of the most popular ways of trading and over a million dollars a day changes hands in this online market. By being online, all you need to do to be able to trade is to have an account, a computer with internet access, a phone and a fax and you're all set. This type of trading looks to bring a good profit without severe risk.
By doing online Forex commodity trading, you bypass the middle man, you have lower transaction fees, the market is always open and you have leverage by using this system. It is easy to use and to learn, and by using the knowledge that you gain, you may make a profit from this online system. This system has risks and rewards as does other types of investments.
By having an online Forex commodity trading system, you can make transactions at any time; you always have the most up to date price, and the system is always available to you at any time. This system is actively traded and the more that you know, the more profit that you can show.
Each online Forex commodity trading account should be set up the same, and follow the same rules. The commodity being traded here is foreign currency. There is no shortage of profits that can be made on this market. With knowing the current exchange rate, you will have an advantage over those who do not have this type of information.
By using an online Forex commodity trading system, you are able to sell or buy at any time and can check your account and receive signals as to when to sell and buy, what the current rate of exchange is and what you can purchase.
When trading online with an online Forex commodity trading system, you will have all the tools available to you to make a successful transaction. You can also see how much of a profit or loss that you currently have on your account.
So by using an online Forex commodity trading account you will be able to actively trade currency for a profit. This is such an active market that you are able to make a successful trade providing you have researched all the risks and taken care to reduce such risks.
This is a huge advantage over regular stock markets, and looks to increase in value as time goes on.
By Joel Gardner
Check Out the Related Article : Online Forex Trading

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Online Trading FAQ
Trading Stocks Online - 10 Steps You Should Follow to Get Started Day Trading
Online Day trading - Sounds fancy or prestigious in some way. If you talk to someone who has been day trading online for several years, odds are that what they tell you will be over your head if you are just beginning your online stock trading. This guide is meant to serve as a stepping stone for beginners to help you get started, but also a "refresher course" for the seasoned day trader, as many of the trading ground rules rarely change. I've been involved in stock trading online for a couple years, although somewhat sporadically. Even for the beginner or professional, there are many resources available to help improve your "sixth sense" for the market.
1. Services for Trading Online
There are many services where you can set up brokerage accounts to begin day trading. Many have similar features, while each may expand a little in different areas. The best thing to do when finding a service is to visit the website and just try it out. See how you like the look and feel of the site, and use the resources that the site provides to get a feel for the main account area, and also the trading area. The service you choose needs to be familiar and comfortable to you, so that when you are making your trades you are confident with using the service.
2. Set Up Your Account
Well, this is an easy part of the formula. The worst part of this is the long forms that you are supposed to read concerning the markets and notices, and other legal forms. I would recommend printing this information and reading through it so that you will have a better understanding of the rules for the market. Once you have your account activated, there is usually a process to add a bank account and get it verified so that you can fund your account. This may vary with brokerage, so you have to read the rules to get set up.
3. Get the Feel of the Trading Area
This part is very important. Most online brokerages have tutorials and sometimes even videos that show you the basics of their site. Always make sure to look through the Help file for the brokerage if you get lost or do not understand certain terms on the site. After all, browsing and reading the help section is usually the fastest way to figure out anything that you don't understand on a website.
4. The Three "R's" of Trading
Research, Research, and Research some more! It sounds redundantly repetitive, but don't be fooled into thinking you can win this war (see next step) without knowing what you are up against. Knowledge is the best tool in your arsenal, so make sure you are doing your homework!
5. Choose Your Warriors
You are the General. The investments that you choose (in this case the companies you invest in) are your warriors. And this is a battle that you will want to keep a close eye on. It is your hard earned money at stake. Sometimes you may lose a battle, supposing that the company you just invested in goes belly up, but the whole point is to make sure you win the war! You are not just investing to have something to do during the day (or are you?). This money may be your retirement fund if that is what you have planned.
6. Practice Trades - Break Out the Play Money!
This step is actually quite fun. If you will check out my resource box below, you will find a link to a website that has many resources on it, including a place that I use where you can set up a "play money" account and see how you do with investing. So a company you bought into took a dive towards the big zero? That's alright, there is a handy dandy reset button to start over! Too bad you can't do that once you get into the real money...
7. The Opening Bell
I have heard many people say that they make their trades before the opening bell of the day, because trading during the day can get very emotional for the investor. Don't let your emotions be a factor in your investments! If you follow my guidelines and do your research, you are much better equipped to make decisions without emotion. As I mentioned earlier, the best tool you have on your side is educating yourself about the market, the companies, running the numbers, and knowing your exit strategy. You will begin to develop your own system of investing and studying as you go along.
8. Think You Got It? Now for the Green!
Here's where the magic happens. Once you have educated yourself on all the points I have made, and any other areas you find you need to know about, you can fund your brokerage account and get started with your investments. If you feel more comfortable playing it slow at first, then just start out with a small portion of your total investment capital and go at your own speed. Just remember to never get in a hurry, and never let your emotions affect your investment decisions.
9. Risk versus Reward
In the world of online stock trading, there is a delicate balance that poses a decision all investors must make. This is the decision of Risk versus Reward. Under most circumstances, the more risk you take, the more reward is possible to achieve. However, with more risk, you could also end up losing a lot more of your hard earned money. Each person must decide for themselves the amount of risk they are willing to take on a trade, and, as mentioned earlier, this will affect the choice of companies that you are willing to trade on. Which brings us to the final (and probably most important) step in this series...
10. Keeping Your Sanity!
Now I know this sounds funny, especially to anyone who is new to stock trading. But on a serious note, some people take on too much risk while looking for that great payout. To many new stock traders, the idea that your money is floating around out there in cyberspace and it's fate is attached to some company that you may have never seen, can be scary. Balancing the risk and reward equation to a level that you are comfortable with is something that just may help you sleep better at night.
So now that you have a step-by-step idea of how to get started, all that is left is to go for it. But as a good rule of thumb, I always tell anyone looking for an investment that they should never risk more than they are willing to lose. And of course, if you don't feel comfortable making the choices of investments, stay in that practice zone until you are comfortable with it. If that still does not help you, you should seek the advice of a professional broker, and perhaps the service you choose has people available to consult with you. Always use all the resources that are available to you, and your investments will be based on a very well researched decision.
Check Out the Related Article : Online Forex Trading

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: Online Stock Trading
Friday, December 12, 2008
Online Currency Trading Software For Profitable Trades
In the online world, having the right online currency trading software is just the same as being skillful in trading. No matter how good you are, you still need the right tools to get the job done and reap lots of rewards. Being able to have a suitable investment structure ensures success. This is why having the right tool to go with your needs or preferences will make your online investing endeavor successful.
Global Forex Trading is a top performing company in the realm of foreign exchange investment. It owes its success to its online currency trading software which has the capabilities to meet most superior investment software needs. This so called award-winning software is the Deal Book 360. It presents analysis instruments, visual online trading, and automated trading.
Another form of online currency trading software is the Deal Book WEB. This trading tool also comes from Global Forex Trading, which is a top competitor in the foreign exchange trading companies market. You can enjoy online trading anytime and anywhere as long as your computer is connected to the internet. This software is suitable for people on the move due to its highly flexible accessibility along with the usual charting and trading abilities. For people on the go, a laptop with wireless connectivity to the internet is a must to fully enjoy this software.
There are other quality software available online. Advanced Currency Markets is one which actually does away with downloading. It has sophisticated trading policies for online traders, allowing more variations. This software has the ability to function even in the presence of firewall installations. It offers a highly secure technology, along with the attributes of current charting tools and market updates.
Yet another form of online currency trading software is the Deal Book Mobile. This software can be used through your mobile gadget such as capable cell phones or PDAs. This software is an essential instrument in currency investing in the internet.
Whether using such investment software for computers or mobile devices, you should focus more on choosing which software has the greater features and services for your trading needs. There are free complimentary trials that you can use to get a feel of the software.
Online forex traders must have the ability to decide which forex software can serve their distinctive training goals and needs. It is always recommended for traders to choose trading software which offers first-rate and quality features as well as easy usability and precise performance.
The internet provides various websites offering online currency trading software. Read my blog for more information and sources regarding this topic.
By Davion Wong
Check Out the Related Article : Online Forex Trading

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: Currency Trading Online
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Online Stock Trading - Research and Limit
Online stock trading is a convenient way to make stock investments, but there is a certain art to online stock trading, and there are plenty of companies who can help and make it a lot easier. The presence of an online stock trading community makes it much easier to do things such as, day trading, hedging and the use of intraday stock trading system.
So, are you intrigued online stock trading but not sure how to get started? Just as with any type of investing and trading, you must first define your overall goals. When beginning the process, it is important to find a reputable company, because online stock trading can be lucrative, but if the company you trade through doesn't have a good reputation you could lose a lot of money.
Sudden Market Fluctuations
There are certain stocks that are extremely volatile - which means their prices can rise and fall rather quickly, and if investing in these stocks over the long term, you may lose money or barely break even. However, what if you were to take advantage of these sudden price changes? This is the basis behind day trading, and online stock trading makes day trading even more accessible to the investor.
What if you were able to quickly purchase a certain stock during a sudden price decrease, and then sell it once the price rises again? Online stock trading makes this kind of quick action possible and can help multiply your investing profits.
Research is Important
Yes, online stock trading requires only a few mouse clicks; however it is important to not become over-zealous. Because you are slightly removed from the process of actually handling your money, it is easy to forget that one wrong click can cost you thousands of dollars.
Instead, approach online stock trading as you would any of your other investment endeavors. Research is the key to making sure you take full advantage of this - that and the ability to make quick decisions.
Limit Order vs. Market Order
To help you with your online stock trading, it helps to understand the difference between a limit order and a market order. A limit order helps you because it lets you buy or sell at a set price - you literally set the limits. A market order is one where you don't have control over this. To be successful at online stock trading, many prefer doing limit orders.
When it comes to online stock trading, the more informed you are the more successful you will be. The ability to analyze and make quick decisions is an art, and the sooner you master it, the better.
By Ryan Lee
Check Out the Related Article : Online Forex Trading

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Online Stock Trading
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Learn Forex Currency Trading Online - Why It Is important
It has been usually seen that the name of online share markets evokes interest in those who are unaware of the market policies but want to dabble in share market just in order to gain windfall gains. This is not a healthy sign for the ignorant as trading in forex investments and reaping benefits thereof is a difficulty job that includes high level of stake. Thus, it is very important to learn forex currency trading online as ignorance can be a dangerous affair.
Forex trading is speculative in nature therefore it should be kept in mind on the part of the investor that he/she is prepared for the unforeseen circumstances. In order to facilitate the online brokerage, there are many online sites that help in providing the methods to learn forex currency trading online that can help in increasing the overall knowledge of the investor.
They help in providing brokerage tips to the budding investors so that they are able to understand the intricacies of the market and predict the nature of the stocks so that they can improve the profit making capacity on their part. In order to learn forex currency trading online, there are many websites that provide online forex trading courses that can be handy in understanding the basic principles of market trade. It instructs about all the basic terms and technical languages used in the forex trade.
Once the user is well versed in the basics of online forex trading, he/she can approach the broker who will help him in opening the account and dabbling in shares and forex deals. This includes 24-hour open market which is facilitated by the Internet. In this market, the trader can bet on the forex reserves and attain benefit form the share market. Thus, it is very important to learn forex currency trading online. Without knowledge, one is at the constant risk of losing his hard earned income.
By Ricky Lim
Check Out the Related Article : Online Trading - 10 "Whys" And "Wherefores" Of Online Trading!

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Currency Trading Online
Monday, December 1, 2008
Stock Trading Online - 3 Crucial Things To Look For in an Online Stock Trading Company
When I first started trading stocks online, I thought all online stock trading companies were basically the same. But, over time, I have learned a few things that I wish I had known to look for in a company when I first started. Here are a few of the things I now look for in a stock trading company:
1. The Cost Per Trade - Some stock trading companies have incentives or promotional discounts when you do a certain amount of trades per month or discount fees per trade.
$5 - $10 per trade may not seem like much money at first, but it can add up quick. Think about it: You decide to buy a stock - $10, you decide to sell the stock and buy 2 other stocks instead, sell - $10, buy $10 & buy again $10. You have just spent $40 trading and you just started. If you had started with a company that only charges $5 per trade, you would have only spent $20 on that process. It's tricky enough to make a profit trading stocks online, you don't want to start out in the hole just trying to break even first.
2. Reputable Company - Make sure the company you are dealing with is reputable and has a good reputation. You don't want to be wiring large amounts of money to a company that might not be returning it to you. Check with the Better Business Bureau before you apply. Also, do a little research online and see who the company is recommended by.
3. Simple Navigation - Graphs & More - One thing you want to make sure of, is that the stock trading interface is easy to navigate and understand. Sometimes, when trading stocks you need to quickly look over graphs and current quotes and then quickly buy & sell. Getting tripped up by an unuser-friendly interface will cost you money.
You should be able to apply with a stock trading company online and then be able to check out their interface before you deposit any money into your account. It's worth the extra time to check out the site completely before you make your deposit.
Check Out the Related Article : Online Trading - 10 "Whys" And "Wherefores" Of Online Trading!

Posted by Satria Sudeki at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Online Stock Trading
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